{sacred} Flow All Levels with Malerie, 30 minutes (Live 4.2.21)
40 Minutes or Less...
The sun throughout history has been symbolic of healing, life, power and so much more. Today's class is a dedication to the sun. Grab a blanket! Music for class - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2O1PskvI24RReu0guO5CKh?si=x7xLMPk_Sx69KzJ8yeAg_A
Up Next in 40 Minutes or Less...
Yin + Restore 40 Mins with Annelise L...
Today's practice deals with discomfort as a means of growth. We'll work into hips, low back, neck and the rotator cuff before settling into savasana. Grab blankets, pillows, blocks and a device to play soothing music... playlist for class on spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0KtZ...
{sacred}flow All with Malerie, 30 min...
Where are you holding yourself back from taking up space? This class asks you to lean into the spaces you want to stretch and reach towards. Grab a strap and have some wall space available. Music for class - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ZQZp8MaRwkD3A9PYMev44?si=maL8aSzmQB6NzNpTVmgkUQ
{sacred}sweat with Annelise, 40 Mins ...
A gentle flow with creative movements to work into hamstrings and side body.... have a blanket and two blocks. Music for class - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/63cJ2md7XVUhbyJBAA9VCC?si=-1ghmQmGTsGYyvLOC2BcQg