Yin + Restore with Malerie, 75 minutes (Livestream 10/23)
1h 16m
In this class with Malerie we are working through the chakras looking for a whole body balancing practice that harmonizes us energetically. You'll need blocks, bolster and a blanket.
Up Next in Restorative
Restore + Nidra with Annelise, 45 min...
Restorative is a process of rest and finding power in stillness. It gives our bodies much needed recovery. In this practice we take four 5-minute restorative postures which lead us into a powerful body scan and mini-nidra practice.
Yin + Restore with Annelise, 45 minut...
For today's practice we're working into melting heart and full splits...grab two blocks, two blankets, a pillow and a strap...
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0apYjuEi5pQLjyboCCUhAG?si=VAX5IdcARaS7Gbsv6g-crw -
Restore + Nidra with Annelise, 45 min...
This is a grounded and restful restorative for heart and low back. Grab a strap, two blocks, two pillows and a blanket - plus some space at the wall. Listen to music here - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Wjjlin5yUrFE4Hk9G78Cb?si=CIUTKjX4Royv4BOurYLl9A