Durga Week 5 | Facing Our Ego Pranayama + Link to Energy Meditation
Guided by a Goddess, a 6-Week Series
This pranayama practice for facing your ego taps into the solar plexus chakra. The center of our ego, will, and fire. We use the ego eradicator from kundalini yoga to channel Durga's energy for putting the negative sides of our ego in its place. It's the battle of facing an inner demon by submitting to Durga and the physical process in order to transform the ego.
Durga is the queen of protection. After all she is a warrior goddess. In this audio file we will meditate using visualization as we explore energetic boundaries, what we need protection from, what it would be like to feel/see ourselves protected as well as one action we could take to care for ourselves in this way. If visualization doesn’t come easily today try to sense or feel your way through the journey instead. At one point in the audio I suggest a mantra for Durga if you feel called to invoke her energy further. That mantra is om dum (doom pronunciation) durgaye namaha.
Up Next in Guided by a Goddess, a 6-Week Series
Durga Week 5 | Kundalini Inspired Pra...
This style involves repetitive movement linked to the breath. The movement is done seated and lying down (with one variation shown on hands and knees but there's another way to do it shown seated). While this class is about tapping into different forms of strength don't forget that Durga is also ...
Durga Week 5 | Flow for Willpower
This is a heart opening practice, with an option to build up towards wheel pose, all about the willpower it takes to be kind and loving towards ourselves. We offer up negative habits to Durga and call her to aid us. Movement is done seated, lying down, on hands/knees and has two down dogs. You ma...
Parvati Week 6 | Story Time Restore +...
Ready to get introduced to our final goddess? This is a myth about pulling Shiva out of his deep meditation, sacred relationships, a yogini, commitment and desire. You’ll want two pillows, a bolster and a long rolled up blanket for this one. Class is done lying down.