{sacred}flow with Malerie, 50 minutes (Livestream 10/20)
Livestream Archives
Welcome to vata season. This practice is about restoring balance in these cool, windy and dry times which means our practice will be grounding, warming and slow. A counter to the world around us to keep us from tipping the scales too far in either direction. If you like pigeon you'll love this sequence as we explore it in it's many forms building towards an option of flying pigeon.
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Mindful Hot with Annelise, 55 minutes...
Today we're working on inversion and changing our perspective through bringing new eyes. Grab two blocks... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/31yWtxXjKuE5PGagRnFeyy?si=f-dLijqeTCyvc_c5PmkPGg
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