Gentle Yoga with Malerie, 50 minutes (3/11)
Gentle Flow / Fusion Classes
Feeling wound up, anxious or stressed? This practice is designed to help you get out of sympathetic nervous system dominance while moving towards parasympathetic dominance. We use scientifically tested techniques to stimulate the vagus nerve which is responsible for parasympathetic innervation. Our dharma is inspired by Krishna so we use a mantra that is used to invoke him and explore an illusion. We target the illusion that arises when we logically know a stressful situation is over body our body doesn't. When that stress, fear, panic, or anxiety is stuck in us even when the situation is resolved. Let's try to move it along.
The mantra for today is...
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare
Hare Ram
Hare Ram
Ram Ram
Hare Hare
If you aren't familiar with it I suggest repeating it a few times before we start or write it down on a piece of paper to have next to your mat.
The asana includes kriyas, a touch of gentle flow, shaking/stimming, and hip releases before settling into meditation and savasana.
Props: Grab a blanket and a bolster
They music is important for this practice so be sure to get this playlist up and ready.
Accessibility: This practice includes gentle inversions, standing (~8 minutes), kneeling, and seated asana. There is no vinyasa.
Up Next in Gentle Flow / Fusion Classes
Flowing to Stillness with Malerie, 60...
Today's flow is soft and tenderly loves on the body but will get you into your body. Eventually we'll settle into some yin like holds to shift energy before we come into our final restorative shape. Our dharma asks us to reflect on where we end stories and the romanticized notion of happy endings...
Flowing to Stillness with Malerie (4.9)
Let's explore dancer variations as we embrace change. For this Shiva inspired flow grab two bolsters, a strap, two blocks, two blankets and some wall space. Music for class -
Flowing to Stillness with Malerie, 50...
Let's explore revolved pyramid pose! Twists require core awareness allowing the body to have a challenge without overwhelming it. Our restorative section of practice will balance the body after the twists. Grab two blocks, a bolster and two blankets. Music for class -