Yin + Restore with Annelise, 45 Minutes
Explore hips and second chakra as a means of embracing the fluidity of life.
This practice works the entire body but with a focus on 2nd chakra.
Grab lots of props...
Music here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5U1nlLbYi7MRNH2mMm0lRt?si=Z_1bYb66TzahaE1xiMwg5w
Up Next in Annelise
Sun Salutations 45 with Annelise (Liv...
Empower the third chakra and right action with this practice dedicated to core, crow, back and belly... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7j6Z04eNh8fRStoaYiAE7t?si=h9s7IrUoQrWW1f5ZOwyRMQ
{sacred} Flow All Levels with Annelis...
There is an undeniable "fluidity" in life right now...You might call it chaos or the "unknown" but life is actually no more chaotic than normal - we are probably just acutely attached to these shifts and what they mean for us...and that heightened awareness can be a source of suffering. Today we...
Soft Stretch / 15-Min Shoulder & Neck...
Not quite yin..so I'm calling it soft stretch. Sometimes, though, that's all we need to awakening space and release muscular tension in the body. If you've received bad news, been living in chaos, working long hours, or just not caring for yourself as well as you should - this 15-minute practic...