Yin + Restore with Annelise (40 Mins) Live 4.25.21
Yin & Yin Flow
Resistance challenges us but also wears us out. Today’s practice reminds us of the challenge of hitting resistance both in the stillness and the stretch. Have wall space, two pillows, a blanket or two, blocks and a strap. Music for class... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1UZeA38UaB61QHLkrlXcRU?si=GSns-Dj-T2uOtlc0g7Lz7A
Up Next in Yin & Yin Flow
Yin + Restore with Annelise
Our "ego" is a necessary component of connection, ambition, and ultimately joy - but finding a healthy balance is difficult. This 35-Min practice is designed to tap into ego through an alternation of "gentle" and "intense". Have as many props (pillows, blankets, straps, scarfs, blocks) as you c...
Yin + Restore with Annelise (Live 4.1...
We're working the idea of expansion and contraction...opening up and turning inward - grab pillows blankets, blocks and anything else you have available to you. Music for class - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OSiQPdBfXRI90WSthimH1
Yin + Restore 40 Mins with Annelise L...
Today's practice deals with discomfort as a means of growth. We'll work into hips, low back, neck and the rotator cuff before settling into savasana. Grab blankets, pillows, blocks and a device to play soothing music... playlist for class on spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0KtZ...