Mindful Hot with Malerie, 45 minutes (Livestream 1/5)
Mindful Hot
How can we use nature to remember and consciously receive the greater connections that are available to us. This class is a balance between the root and crown chakras. The basic, simple things we can touch to the unseen, intangible and mystic. No props needed besides a little wall space.
Up Next in Mindful Hot
Mindful Hot with Malerie, 45 minutes ...
We are working with lots of eagle inspiration and moving towards shoulder pressing pose which is one of the less complex arm balances. Grab two blocks for class.
Our affirmation is "I am coming together."
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6GHglLd4PuH85mbQWVwrnU?si=8glDfRmpQ4aGMxbunhOJqQ -
Mindful Hot with Annelise, 55 minutes...
For this practice it's nice to have a block and a strap :-) ... we'll be working into twists and binds. For music... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1uQzRgN1BRsqeQ0pSnUkiS?si=dLWvoG5DSmmhVLI1HMK70Q
Mindful Hot with Annelise, 55 minutes...
Mindful Hot is truly a methodical practice that gives us an opportunity to flow while sequentially moving through the body's tightness. It's a practice for beginners due to the slower and more static pace. It's a practice for advanced yogis because it gives you time to go toward your edge and try...