{sacred}flow with Alyx, 55 minutes (Livestream 11/5)
Livestream Archives
Are you feeling weighed down? This 55-minute practice is about creating space in our emotional bodies. We'll honor our emotions - give them space to be and to breathe, so they can be released. This is how we let go. Together, we'll work to or towards revolved hand to big toe pose, Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana.
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{sacred}sweat with Annelise, 40 minut...
Mindful Hot with Annelise, 55 minutes...
Work through the side body and the shoulders....this practice is about expansive energy..
music for class - - > https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ENnU0lr1XnzWAhtbw5vv3?si=KxRETIF0TtGow3xuk2oeFg -
Restore + Nidra with Annelise, 30 min...
For todays practice we'll work into a restorative shoulder stand...it's pretty cool stuff so grab pillows, blankets, and blocks.. <3. Music for class here --> https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6WeCprSzCqPffeLTy2NZ0f?si=_UZux8WwSwGXwmzpCJXd3w