Yin + Restore with Annelise - 45 Mins Live 3.7.21
Acceptance is the focus of today's practice as we turn inward and combine soft gentle restorative with more intense yin...
Up Next in Annelise
{sacred}sweat with Annelise, 40 Minut...
Stuck in a place of doubt, self-doubt or questioning the circumstances or people around you? Yoga can help. This practice is all about trust....
Music for class - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1h70IQiASNj31PqodjWigK?si=eScdkzJ6Q3KsilSrfQUxZw -
Yin + Restore 45 Minutes - Live 2.28.21
Setting boundaries is an art form and today's Yin + Restore practice works into the art of holding your own space. Grab two pillows or a bolster, a blanket, a strap and two blocks (or bathtowels). Music for class here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4EnLvBulzkfFP19yU9bEgc?si=tigxotyORISrCqZ...
Sun Salutation with Annelise (Livestr...
Every time we unroll our mat we have an opportunity to create a boundary. Today's practice is dedicated to the "art of boundary making".... We'll work with strong limbs and angular postures (think engaging muscles and opening hamstrings). Music for class: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0OszC...