Flowing to Stillness with Annelise, 40 minutes (Livestream 12/28)
40 Minutes or Less...
Ground and settle after the business of the holidays. If you've been stagnant and need to move..this practice offers a rhythmic pace to ground in the presence of awareness, move energy and settle into stillness. Grab two blocks, a bolster and a blanket. Music for class: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/65F0Id8fK5hKBXrVJLIC9E?si=_TD_pbv3Qti9fbCfjG7LXQ
Up Next in 40 Minutes or Less...
Cardio Flow with Annelise, 45 minutes...
Ready to move and sweat? This class works the traditional flow combined with repetition of cardio segments, non-traditional movements and core work. Music for class:
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0aVjSuI8X4S3BDEc4qSeEe?si=7lxLjgU5SkS-JLbuSU6z_A -
Yin Flow with Annelise, 35 minutes (S...
Alotta yin, alittle flow...with music from Maxwell.
It's a nice treat for the holiday season and cold, darkness of winter.
Grab a full bag of props (whatever you can find) including a strap or scarf...
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5hvvZpBRuSy6tojaYUkCoP?si=cOLtJCkkQ7eEaSRGN0TiUg -
Restorative with Annelise, 35 minutes...
This short, 35 minute restorative practice dives into te dark of solstice and within ourselves. Have at least two blankets, a bolster and if possible a block. Extra blankets are nice too ... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/700ZgoeLJEqm4gbf0rkOib?si=1XCv2MJlS06hLUO_ksezcA