Cardio Flow with Annelise, 45 minutes (Livestream 11/16)
Up Next in Annelise
Yin + Restore with Annelise, 35 minut...
Mostly yin with a bit of restorative on top <3 this sequence moves through the whole body from toes to finger tips before settling into a restorative heart opener for savasana. You'll have the option to linger if you have more time today... Music:
Sun Salutation with Annelise, 45 minu...
For today's sequence it's nice to have space on the sides of your mat. and a wall closer to the front of your mat (if possible)...We're working with three salutations and one includes handstand...but don't get intimidated <3 it's a slow build with a focus on RECEIVING the gifts the world is br...
{sacred}flow with Annelise 60 minutes...
How do you respond when someone tells you "you are beautiful" or "you are so amazing"? This practice is about the art of receiving....something that makes so many of us feel vulnerable. We'll work on awareness around vulnerability and our ability to receive with confidence and trust <3