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Thanksgiving Practice with Malerie, 30 minutes (Livestream 11/24)
Gentle Flow / Fusion Classes
Thanksgiving to most of us is taught as a day of gratitude however to Native Americans it is a day of mourning. A day that is a reminder of genocide and colonization - a reminder of loss. So today we mourn. We mourn what Natives lost as well as acknowledge what we've personally and collectively lost in 2020. This practice is soft and slow including a little movement, yin and meditation. You'll want blocks, bolster and a blanket for class.
Up Next in Gentle Flow / Fusion Classes
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In this 17-minute gentle flow, Ashley will take us through the shoulders, neck, spine and wrists. Practice stays relatively low to the ground so have a block and/or a blanket if you need support under hips or knees.
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